There are many patients who have bad experiences for their IVF treatments. It could be due to their health conditions or else the selection of the wrong clinic with insufficient technology or lack of professional medical staff.

The selection of the right IVF clinic means more than you can think or imagine.  The health condition of your future child depends on the genetic analysis being performed at the clinic you are choosing. Therefore, you must be very careful before you start your treatment.

The first important step is to choose the right people at the right clinic with the true high success rates.  The human touch of the clinic is important as there are unfortunate cases that the patients are seen as numbers and figures at some clinic.  You may feel this inappropriate way of speaking from the day one.

There are some bad experiences we hear. For instance, at one clinic in Cyprus the clinic personel takes the candidate parent couple to finance department before welcoming them properly and warmly at the clinic.  Unfortunately, such wrong acts effects the reputation of the clinics. Such behaviours shows that some clinics are not acting as a health care institute but acting like a trade center.

Health care services must have hospitality aspect in the overall process. Therefore you must choose the clinic carefully to have the best result.

For more information on such crucial details, you may contact our IVF coordinator.

Published On: September 10th, 2021 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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